The Roswell Incident – The Most Famous Story of ExtraTerrestrials

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Modern aircraft are the result of lots of hard work by dedicated engineers, scientists and test pilots. A lot goes into creating the high tech designs and ensuring that they are as safe as possible, from the people who come up with the initial designs to the aircraft part suppliers like this to create aircraft that only a few decades ago could be dreamed of.

However, something that is often hotly debated is another type of aircraft – and not something that is even from this planet – alien spaceships. Do they exist? One of the most fascinating stories of alien’s dates back to the late 1940s in Roswell, New Mexico…

On the 8th July, William Brazel discovered something on his ranch that looked like debris. He reported it to the police who then passed this onto the local airfield. The debris was then moved to Fort Worth and a statement was made to officially say that the debris that had been found was a weather balloon.

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It wasn’t until the late 1970s, 3 decades after the debris was discovered that more interest started to grow around the debris and the incident at Roswell. Many people started to come forward and recall the events that went on at the time, with people claiming that the remains were of alien origin and not a weather balloon at all.

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In a debate that still goes on to this day and with many more stories of alien spaceship encounters, it is something that nobody really knows for certain.

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