Why you should redesign your online store

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Your current design is outdated

A modern website demonstrates professionalism, creates a positive first impression of your brand with potential customers and helps to build trust. Your website’s appearance can give the impression that your business and products are also outdated. This is a major disadvantage to your business as the consumer’s expectations are increasing every year.

Rebranding is a must

Typography, page and site layouts, and other design components all contribute to the identity and message of your brand. This identity is likely to evolve in small ways over time. You don’t have to redesign your website every time your brand changes. However, it is important that you update your ecommerce site when the branding has changed significantly. For Shopify Website Design, contact /www.etempa.co.uk/shopify-web-design

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Your website is too slow

Customers are frustrated by slow loading times or glitchy sites, which leads to higher rates of abandoning shopping carts and bounce. According to a 2023 report by GoodFirms, slow loading time is the main reason why customers abandon websites.

It’s obvious that a slow site is a problem. But don’t forget, many changes and performance improvements are possible without redesigning the website. It’s worth checking if the changes you make are working before redesigning your site. If your site is still slow after implementing the recommendations in your page speed Insights, you may want to redesign it.

You have a poor user experience (UX design)

Your ecommerce site should be simple to use. To avoid confusion and encourage customers to purchase, intuitive interfaces and logical processes are vital. A poorly designed information architecture, unclear navigation or a complex checkout process can drive away customers. It is recommended to fix these issues through AB testing. However, in some instances, it is easier to start over to ensure consistency across the site.

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Your website is not responsive to mobile devices

Customers today are mobile-first, and they don’t care about channels. Customers will interact with your brand on multiple touch points including smartphones and tablet computers. You risk losing a large portion of your audience if your website is difficult to navigate across different mobile devices.

It is important to have a mobile-responsive website that automatically adapts to the different screen sizes. This will ensure a consistent experience for your customers across all devices. According to a recent HubSpot study, 40 percent of marketers rank optimising for mobile at the top of their priority list.

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