Things to Think About Before you Build a Driveway

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Whether you want to add a brand new driveway to your property, or you already have a driveway that you want to expand or improve, this is a great investment in your home. As well as adding value to your property, a driveway also makes life easier when it comes to parking, as well as making your car safer as it is not parked on the road.

If this is something that you are planning to do, here are some of the things to consider before you go ahead…

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Practicality – The driveway needs to work for you and your home. You should check whether you need planning permission, and you also need to get the council to add a drop kerb to the front of the home to make the driveway accessible for you.

Style – There are many different driveway styles, and it might be worth having a look at the various materials and styles that are available. Think about your budget and also what is best suited to your needs.

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Getting your Materials – Before you do any work, you should decide on the size of the driveway and then you can source your materials. Go to local suppliers like this concrete Stroud based company who will be able to advise you on the quantity that you need based on your dimensions.

Additional Features – The driveway is usually at the front of the property so you will want it to look good. Adding shrubs and plants as well as lighting creates an attractive driveway that has kerb appeal.

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