Are you a young student who has recently left school or college but doesn’t yet know what to do as a career? Then why not consider a free, fully funded, Skills For Life training course, maybe a general bootcamp where you could learn basic skills in digital marketing, technical construction or HGV driving? Public speaking courses held by professional companies such as are also worth considering because if you come across as knowledgeable, calm and confidant at job interviews you will have a much better chance at securing the position you really want.
Dressing smartly, having a neat and tidy hair style, keeping eye contact, remaining calm, asking good questions and knowing the basics about the company you are applying to is essential. All these things are Skills you will need in your life. Unlock the door to your future potential and become more confidant in your daily life. If your maths skills need brushing up you could consider a fully funded Multiply course, where using numeracy skills in day-to-day situations is covered to help improve your confidence. As long as you are taking these courses individually and not through an employer, they won’t cost you anything.
If you have left school with no formal A level qualifications, earn below the National Living Wage or are unemployed you are entitled to take a level three course on a variety of subjects, fully funded by the government.